Nader Bennour

Data Analytics Expert

Blockchain Enthusiast

Full-Stack Developer

AI Strategist

Freelance Developer

Nader Bennour
Nader Bennour
Nader Bennour
Nader Bennour

Data Analytics Expert

Blockchain Enthusiast

Full-Stack Developer

AI Strategist

Freelance Developer


  • Created By: Nader Bennour
  • Date: 08/03/2024


For my own server, I set up a monitoring system to keep an eye on how my applications are running. This setup is all about making sure I have real-time insights into the server’s health, like checking if my CPU is overloaded, how much memory I’m using, and whether my network is busy. It’s like having a dashboard for my car, but for my server, so I can see everything that’s going on under the hood.

Technical Stack:

  • Prometheus: This is where all my server data gets stored. Think of it as a big, organized shelf where every piece of data has its spot.
  • Grafana: It turns all the numbers and metrics from Prometheus into visual dashboards. It’s like translating hard-to-read data into easy-to-understand charts.
  • Node Exporter: It’s the tool I use to collect all sorts of information from the server itself, everything from how hard the CPU is working to how much memory is being used.
  • cAdvisor: This one is for keeping tabs on my containers. It tells me how each container is doing, how much resources it’s using, and helps me spot any issues.

Key Features:

  • Live Monitoring: It’s like having a health checkup for my server and apps around the clock. I can see instantly if something’s not right.
  • Visual Dashboards: I get all the complex data presented in a way that’s easy to understand, through graphs and charts.
  • Alert System: If something goes wrong, like my server is running out of memory, I get an alert. It’s my early warning system.
  • Container Performance: Since I use containers for my apps, I can see how each one is performing, which helps me manage resources better.
  • Look Back at History: I can look back at how my server and apps have performed over time, which helps me plan for the future.
  • Flexible and Scalable: My setup can grow with my needs. If I add more servers or apps, I can easily include them in my monitoring.